Friday, August 25, 2023

Cover Reveal: The Drumbeats Trilogy by Julia Ibbotson

As someone who often judges harsh a book by its cover, it´s always a great pleasure to be part of bookish online events aimed at raising awareness about this part of the book industry whose importance we are often tempted to neglect. Book covers are equally important in the process of branding a book and a well done cover may often send a message about the seriousness of the edition house as well as about the works published. German edition houses may know something more about this, investing always in an inspired visual accompaniment of books, often using paintings and very creative works that per se do represent an accomplishment.

Therefore, it is a huge honour to be part of a triple cover reveal, for the recently published The Drumbeats Trilogy by bestseller author Julia Ibbotson, at the invitation of the very talented Rachel´s Random Resources

The trilogy that I will feature later on my blog in the coming weeks, follows the destiny of Jess, a young woman growing up in England in the 1960s, while she is building a destiny of her own.

The covers do have a modern contemporary touch, featuring photographic human presences set against colourful background, suited to the overall topics in the stories.

The trilogy starts with Drumbeats, when the young 18-year old Jess decided to take one gap year to travel to Ghana. Those drumbeats will follow her for the rest of her life, as the events she is involved in are not only of a personal nature, but of a larger international importance too, with Ghana being torned by a bloody civil war.

Walking in the Rain follows Jess as she is happy married with the man of her dreams. Soon after though, she is about to discover that everything was an illusion and the man she used to love may be someone else completely. The colours of the cover are pastels of unclear shades, as her life is about to get into unknown directions.

My favorite cover so far is the one for the last volume in the Trilogy: Finding Jess. Our character is about to take hold of her destiny and she is back to Ghana, when her adult story began. The colours are vivid and Jess is featured in an open attitude, of someone free and in full control of her destiny.

I can´t wait to discover more about those books and to share later on on my blog. 


  1. Thank you so much for this lovely post on my exciting Cover Reveal Day! Much appreciated. Looking forward to your blog too!
