Friday, June 21, 2024

Rachel´s Random Resources Book Tour: The Winter Killings by Wes Markin

Although I am extensively reading crime novels and I am constantly discovering new authors and titles, I am far from covering all the best writers around. For example, Wes Markin, a well established author I was not familiar with until getting to read The Winter Killings. The book belongs to the Yorkshire Murders series but can be read as a stand-alone. 

From the very beginning I was impressed by the opening, a dramatic rendition in verses that announces an unexpected crime story. Expectations largely meet as the plot does not leave the reader too much time to breath. What else to expect from a crime novel?

DCI Emma Gardner is challenged to trace the case of a myterious human skull discovered in a pub. The most unlikely discovery in the most unlikely place. As the list of speculations is closing, she may be faced with a terrible truth: the skull may belong to her beloved colleague DI Paul Riddick, disappeared without a trace for a while already. 

The setting - seasonal and geographical - plays a particular role in this story and adds layers of mystery to the crime investigation. Particularly the winter offers the ambiance and the details enriching the plot. As for the plot itself, it has so many turns and twists leaving open any possible outcome until it really happens.

I fully enjoyed The Winter Killings and most probably will be delighted to return to this author soon, maybe when the winter will set in. 

Rating: 4 stars

Disclaimer: Book offered as part of the book tour but the opinions are, as usual, my own

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