Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Random Things Tours: A Dream of Duplicity by AM Gautam


A Dream of Duplicity by Bangalore-based A.M.Gautam the inaugural published work by Aesthetic Press is a complex novel creatively knitted of several literary genres. The different layers of the story unfold slowly, with unexpected twists and revelations changing completely the mind of the reader. 

The story takes place in Landour, in the North of India. Aayan is a recluse painter emotionally entangled to Kalpana, the twin sister of a dropout writer, Kanya, who opened a pizzeria around his corner. Everything looks very innocent until the rhytmicity of the creative loneliness of the characters is shaken by details outlined more and more strongly until the end of the story. 

The story has an unique sensorial touch, the result of an intimate knowledge of human tensions and expectations. As a reader, until the end, I kept repeating myself what it is supposed to happen? The information shared is controlled and it is up to the writer himself to control the pace and the content of the story. 

Interestingly, A.M.Gautam is using the inspiration of various genres melted in an unique way to provide a surreal-like reality. There is romance, and fantasy, with an erotic touch and cruel thriller and a bit of horror added to the mix. Overall, a well written intellectual mystery. 

I did not expect anything happening in the story in the end, and this is a good sign, as it turned the reading into a curious exciting experience. The diversity of genres do have a downside as well, which means that the pace is not always in sync with the expected inner rhythm corresponding to each literary path. Thus, certain discrepancies and disbalances of the story. For instance, almost near the end, the monotonous predictable pace from the beginning is becoming almost chaotic, under the high pressure of the last minute turn of events. 

A Dream of Duplicity is a mind-challenging novel minutiously created taking the reader on an outstanding intellectual journey.

Rating: 3.5 stars

Disclaimer: Book offered as part of the book tour, but the opinions are, as usual, my own