Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Coping with the pressure of words

When once asked about how do I cope with the famous and overrated writers' block I was proud to announce that no, I am not one of those people facing such dangers. I am writing for a living for years and I cannot see myself doing something else. I write fast and I love to write and my creativity is an infinite reservoir of topics for blogs, articles and any other writing-related projects.

However, from time to time, and very often lately, I cope with a different kind of problem: the question if I really should write about something unless I will waste my words only for satisfying my hunger for words. It is something really important I want to say in a way that no one else said before?

Especially when I have to deal with a lot of commercial information for different blogs that I write for, such a feeling occurs at least once the week. Indeed, the product reviews or food descriptions are easy to do; I can write at least 5 posts of minimum 300-word the day and still counting. But, at the end of this writing tour-de-force, the question is if I really cared about quality and my perspective is enough original. Plus, after reading so many such easy posts, I do not feel inspired enough for more elaborated posts, such as book reviews. I have more than 10 books that I must review and each time I want to turn the page to some serious topics, I find more tempting to take care of my commercial interests. 

At a certain point, it can be a normal temptation, as my income is generated but exactly this type of activities, while literary reading and writing is something I try to do when the account is feeling good enough to support one day when I am offline trying to find a way to build my stories or to find my literary voice. The best advice I will give to someone fighting such problems will be: wake up as early as possible in the morning, finish your complicated writing first and dedicate the rest of the day to your for-profit activities. But, I am not sure that I can always follow this advice as my schedule may differ from a day to another and some of my meetings can be schedule as early as at 8am.

There is more than one solution in sight, and the relative block I need to deal with regularly can be a good source of inspiration as well. Today, for instance, after 24 hours of literary procrastination and delay in finishing many of my projects, I feel a lot of energy and I already finished over half of the priorities in the agenda. My formative years as a journalist for a very busy daily newspapers brought me the burden of a curse: as long as I have tight deadlines, I am the most efficient person in the world. When there it is no deadline, I can spent days with my books without feeling the need to do anything else but reading - and cooking, but then it is already a push forward to write about my cooking experiences. Apparently, the natural feeling of hunger can help me counter the unpleasant feeling of not writing at all.

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