Monday, February 18, 2019

Book Love

Let's talk about love. But not any kind of love. One of the most longstanding, honest and rewarding of all of them: Book love. Faithful companions, although they can also disappoint you once in a while, they will never leave you. Actually, you can learn even from a bad book, especially if you are a writer. 
In a graphic novel exploring everything a bookworm will expect from a work called Book Love, Debbie Tung develops topics well appreciated among those who love reading. 'Books are best friends, bringing pure joy', says in one of the sketches and I fully agree with that. 
Although I personally not agree completely that books equals escapism and you read to escape from the current reality - an accusation often threw by those who despise reading people, this topic appears a couple of times in the book. In addition to explaining and elaborating about the book love, there are also not a few ideas about bookish lifestyle and even a couple of hints about why to date a bookworm (couldn't agree more). 
The ideas are relatively easy and frequently referred to by bookworms, the illustration are also simple and without a high level of sophistication. If you have teenagers that need a motivation why to read, Book Love appeals to them in a very direct way, suited for their everyday style and elliptic, telegraphic-like communication. If you are a bookworm yourself - as I do - you can spend some pleasant after-work time in the company of this graphic story. You might want to read (even) more after that.

Rating: 3 stars
Disclaimer: Book offered by the publisher in exchange for an honest review

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