Saturday, November 21, 2020

Movie Review: E-Horror Stories from the Dark Web

Saturday movie evening: completely randomly chosing on Amazon Prime a movie about a topic I am usually passionate about: dark web and hacking stories. Because the Internet changed so much everything, including what we mean when we think about horror stories, for instance.

Unknown User: Dark Web is a suspenseful movie which starts like a random game. One guy brings home from the bar where is working a computer to have a professional tool for an app that may help him better communicate with his deaf girlfriend. The computer was left a couple of month ago and no one reclaim it so he considered it worth taking it at home.

While working up his way to the computer and installing his own features, he finds a folder with the darkest of the dark web. He shares the information with his friends during a group-Skype call and the frightening details are revealed little by little once he is exploring the Facebook account of the presumed owner of the computer. Suddenly, the guy himself is hacking into the computer and live, one by one, the friends are killed. The e-horror story unfolding is, actually, part of a live game enjoyed on the dark web. 

The movie is mostly static, taking place in the front of the screens. I haven´t noticed any outstanding playing on behalf of the actors, but the script is really entertaining and with fantastic twists. Was worth watching it, although some scenes are highly violent and with sensitive content.

Rating: 3 stars

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