Friday, June 24, 2022

Book Tour: The East German Police Girl by Natalia Pastukhova


In a small university town in East Germany, anti-regime posters are shaking the communist dream. It is the year 1955, announcing a dramatic move of the tectonic plates of the totalitarian regimes. State-pawns are set into motion for searching the culprit. 

In totalitarian regimes, everything is touched by politics. Innocent lives are at risk, by the simple act of protest of a family member. From the beginning until the end, The East German Police Girl by Natalia Pastukhova is repeatedly outlined. Either the result of the encounter with Stasi, or by simply not accepting the fake truth sold by the communist establishment, destinies are put on hold or simply brutally destroyed.

The author creates the right, time-bounded ambiance of the time, both in terms of language and of specific political details. The dialogues are the strongest part of the book, as it reveals the best different character features and details about them. 

There is a diverse cast of characters bringing The East German Police Girl to life although not all of them properly displayed or featured within the story. However, the main players do reflect at a great extent the everyday life pressure and intricacies.

The East German Police Girl is a book recommended to anyone interested in contemporary historical fiction with a touch of political adventures. Especially those passionate about Cold War and communist histories will be delighted to follow and imagine the life of the characters.

Rating: 3.5 stars

Disclaimer: Book offered by the publisher in exchange for an honest review

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