Monday, December 11, 2023

Random Things Tours: Do Pengiuns Like the Cold? by Huw Levis Jones illustrated by Sam Caldwell


As a mother of a curious little boy and an educator, I am always interested in ways in which science - with big S and lots of challenging theoretical researches - can be taught in an attractive way, without diminishing at all the quality of the information. Thus, children books in all languages written by scientists interest me due to the guarantee of the data translated for the consumption of a young audience.

Do Penguins Like the Cold by expedition leader, naturalist and award-winning author Huw Levis Jones, interestingly illustrated by Glasgow-based wild life artist Sam Caldwell, seemed to check all the intellectual boxes of my current projects. And I was right to have high expectations, all answered graciously by this small yet highly interested book.

A good written children book - in this case addressing mostly pre-teens, facing for the first time the science requirements in the classroom - should interest both the adults reading with them and the little reader. And honestly, what a lesson this book was! I got to know a lot of information about penguins, their habitat and behavior and I may even conquer my horror of travelling to cold places for the sake of understanding with my own eyes why actually Do Penguins Like the Cold

The book is informative, indeed, as I was expected it to be, but at the same time it also involves the reader, invited to actively follow the author in an adventure in the cold, getting to know the penguins. It shows a good example of how such a topic can be tackled in a very intelligent and engaging way. Personally, I will be more than interested in getting to read more books by Huw Levis Jones and books in general written in such a generous informative and engaging way.

Rating: 5 stars

Disclaimer: Book offered as part of the book tour but the opinions are, as usual, my own

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