Monday, December 18, 2023

Random Things Tours: Murder All Inclusive by Alastair Puddick


An anti-social character with limited social skills, author Freddie Winters tries to find out inspiration for his incoming menu by accepting a lavish all inclusive trip to Spain, for taking part to a literary festival. A festival that may save his literary career...But in life, plans are rarely coming along perfectly well as we may dream about.

His misantropy couldn´t get unnoticed and when someone he got an argument with is found dead, all eyes turn to him. He looks like the perfect pawn in such a game: resentful, unable to properly control his feelings, especially the negative ones. Plus, he is a crime writer therefore, he may know some tricks how to actually cover his murderous traces and offer the right alibi. Under this threat, he is starting his own investigation which may change his way of looking at things as well, not only his manners.

Murder All Inclusive by Alastair Puddick is hilarious, indeed, but has a good plot and some good crime story development. What I really loved about this book - except loving to hate Mr. Winters - was how various possible solutions were suggested. The intrepid reader may jump too high to a conclusion, but in reality the twists were leading to a completely different direction. 

Similarly, the hip warm and beautiful Spanish setting may be entincing, and suggesting a paradise, but the facts may suggest the opposite. Puddick plays very well the game of appearances, in addition to creating an unique character - Mr. Winters, again - and a special ambiance, not necessarily what one may expect from a crime novel.

If you are longing for a different kind of crime novel, Murder All Inclusive may not only trigger your mind but may also invite the reader to dream of the beautiful Spain, especially if you are set for a month-long dark winter. As I really enjoyed the writer´s style, I would most probably check some other books by him as well.

Rating: 4 stars

Disclaimer: Book offered as part of the book tour but the opinions are, as usual, my own

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