Monday, March 18, 2024

Random Things Tours: Crow Moon by Suzy Aspley

Martha Strangeways (What a predestinated name for a main character in a Gothic thriller) decided to quit her beloved job as an investigative journalist following the tragical death of her twins. But once an investigative reporter, always an investigative reporter. It´s almost impossible to take this gift out of you. Once a missed teenager is found dead, she is back on the investigative journey, decided to find out the truth at any price. The price though is the unleashed energy of human darkness.

Crow Moon, the much praised debut novel of Suzy Aspley, published this month by Orenda Books, is announced as the first installment in series that promise terrific gripping stories. The book is set in the Strathbran, Scotland, a place that seems to be took over by the unsettling strength of nature. 

Traditionally, the Crow Moon indicated the end of the winter, and as usual, the change of seasons means a dramatic struggle for survival, as nature changes and so the overall mood. A moment very well represented into the book, in its fully symbolism. 

Personally, I´ve found fascinating the mixture between old local traditions and the contemporary setting, which add a very strong layer of tension into the plot development. Even if you may not be a lover of Gothic mysteries, you will still remain interested into following the story, because in addition to the dark ambiance and unique characters, the story is told in a way that will not leave the reader indifferent. You either love or hate the story, while being unable to part ways with the book. 

On a side note, the cover offers an inspiring rendition of the book, and if you are one of those people - as the author of those lines - that are easily convinced to judge a book by its cover, you will not regret purchasing the book based only on the predominantly black visual representation.

I can´t wait the next installments of the series although I am still under the impression of this book, few days after having finished it.

Rating: 4.5 stars

Disclaimer: Book offered as part of the book tour but the opinions are, as usual, my own

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