Maidens as characters playing a main role in the development of a story are becoming very frequent presences of the writing world. It normalizes the fact that the job someone practices for different reasons, mostly of dire financial nature, do not affect the ingenuity of people doing it. They may be brilliant brains, just not blessed by a trust fund or some financially supportive family.
Coming Clean by Andy Howden is an unexpected story of political intrigue and clash of ethical values. After some unhappy events, Veselina decides in 2015 to start a new life in the beautiful England. She ends up as a maid for a famous politician with a brilliant future, but entangled in an affair that may destroy his chances. From a humble maid, Veselina could play a different role, of a historical importance even. But is she able to face the truth although this may affect her life too?
I like the ethnical dilemma the characters are facing, as well as their assigned hard choices between temptations and responsibilities. Despite being a work of fiction, it made me think more than once about everyday situations, including at the political level.
Coming Clean is an enjoyable yet provocative read. Recommended to clever readers that are interested in more than action and facts, but ready to share some thoughts about resonsibility and misjudgements.
Rating: 4 stars
Disclaimer: Book offered as part of the book tour but the opinions are, as usual, my own
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