Monday, January 27, 2025

Random Things Tours: The Last Days of Kira Mullan by Nicci French

Crime stories can be written in so many ways, and the most successful ones do always reveal important knowledge about human nature and humans in general. The Last Days of Kira Mullan by bestseller author Nicci French made me think a lot about the burden on mental health but also how is the best way to interact with people affected by it.

Shortly after suffering a psychiatric episode that leaded to her hospitalisation, Nancy started a new life with her partner Felix. A Victorian home with new neighbours may help her get back to normality. Only that once someone went through such a mental health challenge, very often the closest relatives and friends may be often concerned with keeping the person under scrutiny which may often lead to a repeated episode.

The dreams of a quiet life ended once Nancy´s neighbour, Kira Mullan is found death in a suspected suicide. As Nancy just met her the day before, she is not accepting the official variant and therefore is trying to investigate the situation on her own. Felix is worried and reacts in ways intended to protect her, but being overprotective takes away Nancy´s power of taking control over her life.

As the investigation Nancy is following is getting into strange and unexpected details, I was pleased to follow her own evolution as a person able to overcome her fears and insecurities. Her own journey adds an important layer to the story, which reveals interesting takes on mental health and healing. The dynamics between Nancy and Felix do play an important role in creating various tensions and introducing some unexpected twists into the story.

The Last Days of Kira Mulan by Nicci French is a book that needs a longer time to be processed and I am glad I had the luxury of time to read it within a longer amount of time. There are still so many ideas that will love to share a bit later so will definitely update the review in the next days as well.

Rating: 4.5 stars

Disclaimer: Book offered as part of the book tour but the opinions are, as usual, my own

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