Friday, August 30, 2024

Between Friends and Lovers by Shirlene Obuobi

I like controversy in moderate dosis, especially controversial characters, because it reveals unexpected connections and character threats. Controversial characters make the story as well. I like to watch, eventually react and share my opinion on real-life controversies. But for a very long time I haven´t been so invested in the life and whereabouts of a literary character as happened recently while reading Between Friends&Lovers by Ghanaian-American author Shirlene Obuobi

Dr. Jojo is a doctor turned influencer, a sex and relationship advisor without a relationship on her account, 29 and hard worker. She is in love with Ezra, the heir of a rich family that consider her like their own daughter. But, as expected, her glamorous life is different outside the camera. She struggles with depression, the estrangement from her distant mother, her fear of being abandoned. Meeting Mal, a successful writer struggling his own relationship issues, took her out of her comfort zone, but is she really ready to give up on Ezra and switch her emotional investment to a healthier relationship, her first one? Being annoyed is good, it means the character is relatable.

I´ve lost the count how many times I almost virtually fought with Dr. Jojo. Honestly, it looked like so confusing sometimes, and her fixture of starting her relationship with the Mal, no matter what, was annoyingfor a 29-year old sex and relationship expert. Really felt annoyed, but my reaction had nothing to do with the writing, was just the consequene of a very realistic and relatable writing.

Shirlene Obuobi, herself a trained medical doctor, avoided stereotypes and medial fixture, allowing the story to unreveal itself, through interesting twists and surprising decisions. There is a feeling of freedom of choice in the air of this book, from Dr. Jojo´s decision to get back in touch with her mother and Ezra´s emancipation from his mother. It is like a coming of age for 20 something, which is also a possibility.

There are two voices of the novel, alternatively switching: Mal and Jo, which enlarges the story perspective. 

The story is set on the cruel background of the social media life, and this is another different view on the glamour we all dream to achieve one day. Again, another realistic view on a common topic, and so is the episode of Dr. Jojo´s depression. 

The book is set in Chicago, but there are not too many local and atmosphere references therefore the reference does not convene anything special. At least not for me.

I´ve read Between Friends and Lovers in just few days, fully enjoying the last days of summer holidays. I hope to have one day time to read her debut novel as well, and maybe her new books. She sounds as an interesting writer approaching with such a smart touch contemporary everyday topics of relationship, race and life mediated by social media.

Rating: 3.5 stars

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