Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Random Things Tours: Everything You Have by Kate Ruby


Sasha Fulton is a successful woman, in control of her career and her personal life. Well, personal life maybe not exactly, as she may wish to have a child of her own, an addition to a family where she plays the role of a stepmother. Overachiever, she may need a relible right hand to take care of her administrative everyday life. And Jenna seems to be perfect for her role: humble, keen to learn, not looking for instant money gratification but looking rather to learn and add experiences. Maybe sometimes Sasha may see herself as she once was in Jenna. But is this assistant really the one who will smooth her daily agenda, or will just brutally end her dreams?

Everything You Have by Kate Ruby - the pseudonym for an award winning TV and drama producer - is a story of women envy and the smoking mirrors of the life in the field of communication and public relations. Hard to get in, difficult to climb the stairs and a permanent fight for maintaining oneself on the top. A fragile world where people like Jenna may have a humble beginning and many secret ambitions. 

I´ve read this book relating to many of the psychological layers of the characters populating this special professional world. Ruby is able to see through the lives and illusions of those people, especially women, not sparing any moment to create both characters and circumstances leading the reader towards a maze of emotions and unexpected thrilling turn of events.

The world of PR and communications it´s a perfect setting for a thriller and I am glad to have read this book. It is relatable, plausible yet has the mystery of novels, whose endings is hard to guess. A recommended book for anyone looking to mentally explore the intricacies of the glamorous world of communication and its monsters that it may create sometimes.

Rating: 4 stars

Disclaimer: Book offered as part of the book tour but the opinions are, as usual, my own

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