Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Orenda Books Tours: Prey by Vanda Symon


Although my TBR list is getting longer by the day, I am always happy to return to authors whose writing and talent caught my attention. I am not good at keeping up with the series, but doing my best to follow up those who are really entincing for my literary tastes, particularly crime novels.

I had previously the chance to feature Vanda Symon on my blog, at least twice, published by Orenda Books, a publishing house which never disapponts. Her latest, Prey, continued the Sam Shepard series, with the unbreakable detective just shortly back from her maternity leave. Although part of the series, the book can be also read as a stand alone, but for sure, once you got to know the characters, you may need even more encounters.

Her task this time is delicate and complicate. She is supposed to investigate the murder of an Anglican priest in Dunedin, a case whose solution is very much affecting the personal prestige of one of her superior DI Johns. But as she is trying to move on with the investigation, there is a sea of secrets and mysteries that seem to surround the case. Including the disappearance of witnesses. 

The story is dense, difficult and very tensed, announced from the very beginning. Prey starts on a very dark and heavy mood that may be maintained every time the investigation is taking a different, unexpected turn. 

What I enjoyed reading was the unexpected direction the story took, until the very end. The turn of events is confusing which keeps the reader in suspense and alert mood. I forgot how many times I´ve tried to guess a solution or possible direction, each time without any pinch of success.

I also found interesting how Symon is offering Sam space to develop her own character, including by focusing on the struggle of motherhood and the gender balance at work and at home. The same when it comes to DI Johns who is having a main personal interest in solving the case.

Prey is a very good constructed story, with strong characters and a thrilling plot. I am definitely interested in following Sam´s new detective and life adventures. She is one of those characters that one may want to meet in real life as well.

Rating: 4.5 stars

Disclaimer: Book offered as part of the book tour but the opinions are, as usual, my own

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