When you move from a country to another, you may always be carry with you the most precious belongings and to be sure that your account has enough money to survive till you will get a job in the new place. But when your job deals with words and your life cannot exist without words, acquiring a new language that will allow you to say everything you want to say in a fast, and clear and comprehensive way is the most pressing task. It may take years till you can be back on the track. During this time, you may forget completely that once you used to write faster than you were thinking.
You may have luck to have enough time and money and a perfect brain to get back on the track in less than 12 months. But it is not always easy and the downs may be the overall rule of your daily life. The more advanced you are in age, the higher the risk to fight with never ending frustrations and sadness and loneliness. When on your own, you may lock the door to the present and avoid the future, while enjoying the maniacal pleasures of the glorious past.
It is not one and only conclusion. Is the daily life. Mine, yours, maybe yours too.