Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Random Things Tours: Belly Woman by Benjamin Black


Words on paper do have a fantastic power to share and eventually change. Without stories and testimonies we cannot find the truth, we are unable to grasp realities and eventually take steps towards changing.

Besides saving lives in West Africa and consulting international aid organisations, Dr. Benjamin Black shared his experiences in helping pregnant women to survive extreme epidemic conditions, particularly ebola in a working memoir, Belly Woman published by Neem Tree Press. Almost every two minutes, a woman dies as result of pregnancy-related complications. Affected are mostly women from a precarious social and economic background. 

What can a doctor do in such circumstances, lacking proper funding and medical facilities?  The testimonies of Dr. Benjamin Black are an example of human dedication and highest professional standards. However, it also demonstrates how limited is our knowledge in this field and how much we need to think in terms of various circumstances and special conditions. Sexual and reproductive health rights during epidemics is rarely discussed but a reality for the doctors trying to save lives on a daily basis.

Belly Woman is an eye opening evidence of the fragility of the woman condition and the need to change the policies, particularly at the level of international organisations in this respect. For those considering to follow a career in the medical field, this book shows why such a profession is among the most important in the world and the huge responsibility a doctor has. 

It is an inspiring and thoughful read, and an important contribution to the medical nonfiction books about countries coping with the dramatic combined effects of epidemics and social crisis.

Rating: 5 stars

Disclaimer: Book offered as part of the book tour but the opinions are, as usual, my own 

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