Monday, November 7, 2022

Random Things Tours: Suicide Thursday by Will Carver

`Endings are overrated`.


Every time I am reading something new by Will Carver, I have no idea what to expect. From the approach to the style, to the story, everything is completely new to me, no matter how many books by him I´ve read. His choice of topic always goes beyond the genre and surprises by a very unique mystery solution.

Suicide Thursday published by the always surprising Orenda Books follows the same unexpected pattern. It has a little bit of everything and even vaguely reminded me of some books by Paul Auster but it is well and beyond another book signed by Carver.

Meet Eli Hagin, someone who haven´t finished anything in his life. Not even the first chapter is he writing and re-writing for ages. No matter what he wants to do, there is a 100% chance he will fail. Meet - although for a short time - his friend Mike who committed suicide. He also sounds a bit chaotic, but we would know more about him once he´s dead. On a Thursday. And than there is a before and and an after and as we are approaching the funeral - on a Friday - there are even more elements - some disturbing - regarding what actually happened with Mike. Indeed, some words may easily kill.

Although Mike is the character who determines the way in which story develops, it is Eli who has an important role in offering an interpretation of the story. His foggy mind and difficulties in separating real life from fiction are keeping the reader entertained and interested until the end of the story, a guarantee that in fact, things look much more different than we have expected. Each fragment of the story is creatively matching and influencing another one, in a domino-like game that seems to never end.

Suicide Thursday is a psychological suspense that cannot be missed if you really love not only the unique style of Will Carver but also insights into a disturbed mind and psychological suspense. 

Rating: 4.5 stars

Disclaimer: Book offered as part of the book tour but the opinions are, as usual, my own