Thursday, July 9, 2020

Florida by Lauren Groff - Beautifully Written Short Stories

The words are filling the emptiness of the white page and desertes spaces. They send emotions - ´I have somehow become a woman who yells´ - and heartbreaks and tell the stories of children that have been abandoned on an island during a storm, all by themselves. How cannot your heart startle only by the reading of the story description?
The 11 short stories by Lauren Groff are using the geographical pretext of the physical location of Florida. But the geography is in this case just a name that is receiving a variety of meaning depending on the creative line.
Indeed, there are enough traces of creative writing in those stories which might may diminish at a certain extent the authenticity and the genuine human connection of the stories, but the writing is beautiful enough to forget about this technical aspect. I will probably keep Florida among those books that I will read over and over again when having writer´s block. Reading a paragraph or a couple of pages once in a while brings oomph to both ideas and writing energy. It´s shows off what you can achieve when you are a good writer and who else one can turn into a good writer if not by reading good writings?

Rating: 3.5 stars

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