Sunday, August 16, 2020

Beautiful Poetry Weekend

I promised myself to read more poetry this year and compared to the previous years I am doing well. I am still lacking the proper sensibility to understand and focus on poetry but I am working hard to improve my situation. At least, I have a lot of poetry books saved that hopefully will help me expand my knowledge beyond the Eluard and Apollinaire and Rimbaud and Verlaine and some Bialik of my late teen years.


In Fortunately, the poetry of Nava EtShalom reveals the hidden secret of life and objects while living under the permanent pressure of the inevitable sense of the ending. The religious references - ´we´re living in the waiting room´ - punctuate the balance of nature and add a different dimension to the complexity of the exploration. The poems - my favorite from the collection is Earthquake - are organised as part of a larger story which reveals to the reader one verse after another.

Disclaimer: Book offered by the publisher in exchange for an honest review

Bilingual Anthology of Argentinian Poetry by Daniel Samoilovich

Long upon a time, I was in love with the Latin American literature and history and Argentina was by far one of my favorites (still haven´t given up the hope to visit this part of the world and especially Argentina). Until then, I decided to update a bit not only my knowledge about the Argentinian literature, but also the language, and this bilingual volume edited by Daniel Samoilovich was an excellent choice. I´ve read it slowly, pen on paper for some words that are different from Spanish, enjoying fully not only the linguistic immersion but also the diversity of voices and topics.

Rating: 4 stars

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