Thursday, October 28, 2021

Random Things Tours: Shadow Pursuit by Alistair Birch


The changes the world went through during the last decade particularly in terms of terrorism threats and ways created to counter it tremendous sources of inspiration for the everyday thriller and suspense writers. It is so much that can be innovated in this respect, but there are also limits, particularly when it comes to approach a very simple question: indeed, we are under terrorist threat, and the threats are everywhere, what can we do fight it, in the most credible way from the literary point of view. Of course, terrorism should be fought with all means and authors must clearly state it in their books, but should be all thriller books an average repetition of the same message under the same circumstances?

Shadow Pursuit by Alistair Birch, recently launched by Dark Edge Press, has a realistic and most probably, credible scenario where the law enforcement agencies are trying to prevent a massive terror attack, and ultimately, a criminal ring operating nationally, but their results are not necessarily either black or white. As in real life, there are no clear winners and losers, especially when it comes to countering terrorism and no matter how hard one´s (both individuals and institutions) may try, people keen to make bad to other people will always be around. 

Therefore, although there is a lot of suspense and I hardly resisted from turning the pages fast, very fast, in order to see what happens at the end of the chapter, the events from Shadow Pursuit are far from being dramatic. It is the routine work of the law enforcement agencies from everywhere, doing their work, mourning their people or saving the people. Eva Merriman, a junior detective followed by some funny kind of luck, is the most profiled character whose mission to fight terrorists was assigned to her against her will. Like in the case of the book action, the women characters are normal, not trying to play any WonderWomen role, though invested by their mission. In other words, they do their jobs.

The story is very complex and made up of different building blocks reflecting different points of views and angles of the story. The tension builds up very smartly and remains until the very end of the book.

Shadow Pursuit is an intense, well organised and realistic book. It is an unexpected thriller with an innovative story line and a lot of thoughts the reader may have left with afterwards.

Rating: 4 stars

Disclaimer: Book offered as part of the book tour but the opinions are, as usual, my own