Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Random Things Tours: Home by Mark Ballabon


As sometimes I happen to be a teacher of foreign languages to teenagers, I am often surprised about the deep human knowledge as well as of the extent of concern about everyday topics we, adults, are rather tempted to hide under the carpet, such as global change. Therefore, I was not surprised by the level of maturity and philosophical approach to life by Leah, the main character of Home, the debut YA novel by Mark Ballabon. 

Home is the first volume of a projected trilogy, with an inspired beautiful illustration by Grant MacDonald. 14yo Leah is trying to answer questions about what does it mean home as someone´s place in the huge universe, but also discovers and observes human behavior and diversity. 

Through dialogues, journaling and philosophical observations, Leah is building up her home of the mind. With the pure heart of the curious, she is writing her own home through interpretations and worldview discovery. There is always place for understanding instead of hate and violence, although familiar and fascinated by survival stories and experience that may teach you the lessons of the survival of the fittest. But when you realize that world is your canvas where you write your own story, there is no other choice but to be good and kind and understand the sadness of the bully. 

Home can be easily considered a book for this generation as it reflects the topics and worries typical for young people this age. It is also a story of getting strong and empowered while nurtured by the life in the middle of the nature, trying to understand and respect its rules. I am very curious to read Leah´s next adventures that although may be suited for YA readership, can be equally inspiring for the parents of young readers as well.

Rating: 5 stars

Disclaimer: Book offered as part of the book tour but the opinions are, as usual, my own