Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Random Things Tours: Thirty Days of Darkness by Jenny Lund Madsen translated by Megan E. Turney


Not everyone can get into the bestseller list from the very beginning. Particularly crime writers, they may need some time to hone their writing skills and stories. But some are doing it right, perfectly right. Jenny Lund Madsen debut Thirty Days of Darkness, translated from Danish by Megan E. Turney, made it into the bestsellers charts in Danish and is in process of production for the screen by Nordish Film and Netflix. Madsen, a multi-awarded screenwriter for, among others, Follow the Money and Rita, was also awarded the Harald Mogensen Prize for Best Danish Crime Novel in 2020. 

The English speaking readers will have access to the book in the first half of May, published by Orenda Books

The premise of the book is very intriguing: Hannah, once a successful author, is struggling with writer´s block. When she is challenged to write a novel in thirty days she accepts it and relocates to a small Icelandic village for inspiration. Shortly thereafter, a body is found and she got entangled into the investigation that may bring out of the box secrets no one wants to remember. Including Hannah herself.

The atmosphere in this book is perfectly crafted, in the smallest details that makes you feel sometimes that you are literally there. The ambiance is following the story as a hollow amplifying the tone of the story. 

The reader feels on alert, tensed as the small little village is turning into a crime scene. You feel like there is nothing more important than finding a solution but the price for this builds up step-by-step. I couldn´t leave the book though until the crime was solved.

Hannah is an interesting character, evolving as the story moves on itself. She may be fighting her own demons and conflicts, but she´s fully relatable. I was particularly charmed by the idea of a crime writer involved in solving a crime herself and the book largely met the expectations.

Thirty Days of Darkness is tensed, atmospheric, surprising. An excellent debut by an author I hope to hear more about soon.   

Rating: 4.5 stars

Disclaimer: Book offered as part of the book tour but the opinions are, as usual, my own

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