Sunday, February 23, 2025

The Vegan by Andrew Lipstein

When I´ve read The Last Resort by Andrew Lipstein I felt a certain attraction for the writing, therefore I jumped without too much hesitation and got The Vegan, his latest. I do enjoy once in a while reading about start-up weird stories, and this one promised an extra reading entertainment.

The character of the book Herschel Caine - on the way of Cohen - is part of the startup realm as hedgefund built around algorithmic trading, and suddenly had a sudden realization that he can communicate emotionally with random animals. First a dog, afterwards a red panda. He purchased for himself two anoles and turned into a vegan. 

It uses the fancy language of hedgefunders and investors, and although the story do have some potential, it didn´t convince me at all. The sentences are long and unrequestedly vague, the fragments of the story do not come together well at all and the topic as such is interesting in name only. It is also predictable and stereotypical therefore, another ´no go´ for me.

I waited until the end, although every other page just wanted to give up and I still haven´t been convinced. Maybe the next time will try to read some few extracts and more reviews before starting to read a book. My experience of the last books was not very satisfying but wait until will finally share some good bookish recommendations. Last week was simply not my week.

Rating: 2 stars

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