Maybe the Millennials books are not my thing? Maybe my passion for books made up of paragraphs made of nicely - or even beautifully - written sentences with the above mentioned paragraphs looking like decks of cards randomly threw up in the page, is just a thing of the past? I have not the single idea and I wish there is a therapist, or even two, which can properly deal with book delusions and heartbreak...Yeah, I am heartbroken, again, but this time because of a book.
Weather by Jenny Offill broke my heart. It is not the first book in the last months, and I bet not the last. Like in a relationship not meant to be things sounded good after a couple of pages, irony was philosophically great - I mean, how not to hahaha in waves when Ben, the husband of Lizzie, the librarian with no proper biblioeconomy educationt reads Stoics before breakfast - therefore a bit of chemistry was in the air too, but before reaching the half of the book I gave up of finding any sense. Of course life has no sense and is not going anywhere and we, humans, we are creature of boring habit and of course the American politics and newsreel turn the same humans into senseless creatures with no coordination between the right and the left sides of the brain.
The insertions of environmentalist issues were a relatively new and interesting add on as a literary subject, and I feel the need to mention it because I haven´t read too many books with such a repertoire of topics. But, again, it was not enough to like Weather. I couldn´t do anything and my (reading) experience thought me that some books - as relationships - are not meant to be.
Rating: 2 stars