Thursday, July 18, 2024

A Scottish Island Summer: Cover Reveal

Summer is finally here, also in my cold part of Europe, and just feel like it´s the right time to travel more and delve more into the vacation mood. Bring all those beautiful summer books and their covers, please! Especially covers!

Hence, this is my greatest pleasure to introduce my reader to a book coming up soon, set in the island of Skye and involving a lot of slow travel. Or bookish travel only, although I would be happy to read the book to get even more inspiration in planning a trip to the Island of Skye one day. 

A Scottish Island Summer is the 12th book by Julie Shackman and it has a cover worth of a fairy tale. Pastel shades, a deep blue surrounding the most part of the space, a mysterious girl looking far into the horizon. A very soothing view, which promises a pleasant yet insightful read.

I haven´t read the book yet, but the presentation I´ve received - thanks again Rachel´s Random Resources for the opportunity of being part of this cover reveal online event - sounds like the kind of read I am tempted to: an ambitious girl travelling to Scottland to write a guide of the Island of Skye, where she is about to discover the real life and individuals that are rarely featured in the glamorous and attractive social media posts. It sounds as attractive as the cover looks like.

Hopefully will be able to introduce the book to my readers soon! But as for now, please excuse me, I need to do some serious travel planning. Books are magic travel companions, you know.

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