Thursday, July 11, 2024

Random Things Tours: The Little Clothes by Deborah Callaghan

Audrey is on the cusp of 40, single, childless. She is doing her job as a lawyer pretty good, but not good enough to be promoted a partner. She is ´ok´, without actually being ok. She is invisible and feels disposable. 

Until one day, when she decides to change completely her attitude to life. She will take control of her life in the most rebelious possible way. And rebellion usually involves transgression. But as usual, transgressions and rebellion do not come as a distraction: the reasons behind such an attitude may be the outcome of a deeply traumatic event. Just watch Audrey´s life unfolding and you may understand the complex layers of a life that was not meant to be this way.

The Little Clothes, the debut novel by Australian-based author Deborah Callaghan sounds at times provocative and humorous even, but it reflects in a very considerate way what happens after one experienced a deep trauma, and at what extent such an event may distort the rest of one´s life. Audrey, as a character, behaves like someone hunted by an unshared past, and made me think how important is sometimes to avoid judging people. It´s hard not to, but one may never know what a person hides behind an erratic behavior.

This is a very explorative book, that may remain with the reader for a longer time. As the main character herself, you may start  to be aware of things that you need to share with the world, feeling that you are in the wrong place after being in the wrong skin. 

The Little Clothes is a noteworthy debut novel, empathically told, making an important contribution to the fictional bibliography on taking over the past by overcoming trauma. 

Rating: 4 stars

Disclaimer: Book offered as part of the book tour but the opinions are, as usual, my own

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