Friday, July 26, 2024

Rachel´s Random Resources Blog Tour: Poppy´s Parisian Patisserie by Daisy James


If you want to catch my attention, just tell me something about Paris. Your last trip there, your memories, your love for the city. With the Olympic Games ongoing, it is hard not to hear the name more than few days a week. I have no talent and interest for sports, but this time, Paris won another interested followers of the competition.

Poppy´s Parisian Patisserie by Daisy James - whose book set in Tuscany won my heart a little bit over one year away - is a sweet romance created around a pastry shop. We are about to meet Poppy, the main character of the book, went through a tragic fire that destroyed her beautiful pastry shop in Devonshire. Added to this, it seems that only disaster dates are in the store for her. Hence, her decision to take a sabbatical from dating and focus on...just life.

Then suddenly, there is an offer to travel to Paris being offered, through family connections, the chance to replace a local chef. An offer she cannot resist. Perfect offer, perfect place, right moment. Then, suddenly - as everything happening in her life, it seems - she is charmed by a very attractive Parisian, and maybe her life will finally take a better turn.

Poppy´s Parisian Patisserie has romance, but not only for the sake of the sweetness. As any good pastry, it has a moderate amount of sugar, in addition to other ingredients, including salt, that in the end, create a tasty result. I´ve read the book in one setting and was a good reward for a summer day of daydreaming about...of course, my next trip to Paris.

This is a standalone sixth book from the Blossomwood Bay Series, that I haven´t read yet, but would love too, because I hope to meet Poppy again. Meeting her in Paris was sweet, so, why not?

A recommended read if you are looking for filling your summer holidays and/or days with love and Paris.

Rating: 4.5 stars

Disclaimer: Book offered as part of the book tour but the opinions are, as usual, my own

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for your lovely review! Love Daisy xx
