Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Palamedes PR Blog Tour: Unstuck. A Smart Guide to Purposeful Career Redesign by Helen Hanison

Summer time is the best time to reevaluate your career options and take the best professional decisions. Far away from your office and clients, you can reconsider your current situation and find a better and much rewarding professional pathway.

The job market nowadays is very diverse and there is a different roadmap than the once Education-Work-Retirement. We can switch careers more than twice during our working lifetime, we can retire earlier or we can keep learning even after retiring. Our brain builts around its stimulations and recent genetic studies proove that in fact, the more we learn, the more we can improve our cognitive functions.

Helen Hanison is a seasoned coach aiming not only to help her client reach a better professional status, but also to achieve their dreams. The two part of our brain do meet in such an approach.

Unstuck. A Smart Guide to Purposeful Career Redesign is a brief yet extremely useful guidance for a career redesign. The rational evaluation of strengths matches the question about how one feels about doing the change, the reasons and theaims. First and foremost, this career redesign should be purposeful. Your are challenged to write your own story and this cannot be done without an innermost knowledge of oneself, dreams, fears, achievements. 

Many of the advices generously shared in the book - there is also a QR Code leading to some equally useful exercises - are important for everyday life therefore it is a recommended book to anyone finding her or himself at an existential crossroad. Professionally, it may help you make that switch that you always waited for. It is never too late.

Rating: 4 stars
Disclaimer: Book offered as part of the book tour but the opinions are, as usual, my own

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