Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Random Things Tours: Felix´s Favourite Day by Fiona Lowry illustrated by Johanna Bruyer

I am drearing the sad moment when my son will be old enough to not be interested in books about small people, like him, and their pets. Or their love for pets, like Felix, the child character of Fiona Lowry´s book: Felix´s Favourite Day

Never believe someone who´ll try to convince you that writing books for pre-school children is easy. You need to find the right words for convening a very easy message. At this pre-school age of wonders, children do not need many words, but motivation and beautiful stories. Felix´s Favourite Day is simple as structure, but shares such a throughout positive message that leaves the reader with no doubt about the intention. It´s deal about an everyday encounter, but adds magic and beauty.

The illustrations by Johanna Bruyer, a painting-like images in pastel-vivid colours completes the magic and the match between pictures and words is perfect.

Felix´s Favourite Day is a recommended book for adventurous pre-school children, whose parents aim at bringing light and positivity into their existence. It can be also used in English and bilingual schools and kindergartens and in general as part of any positive-oriented primary education.

Rating: 5 stars

Disclaimer: Book offered as part of the book tour but the opinions are, as usual, my own

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