Sunday, January 15, 2023

Rachel´s Random Resources: Blinded Me with Science by Tara September


A romantic college romance, Blinded Me with Science by Tara September may take you back to the more or less glamorous late teenage years. As someone who unfortunately did not have the chance to read such novels when in college, I may say that there is a lot to learn in order to improve your social skills from such books. 

A talented student with a love for sciences, Emerson Powers has a special to-do-list for the year which involves less academic achievements and more social and personal life improvements. The ex-bad boy Steel, her complete opposite, seems to be the perfect candidate to lead her through her secret list of college experiments and experiences. And science can be more than a scientific companion to her life goals, but equally a very useful tool.

Blinded Me with Science is a novella that keeps you entertained no matter how close you are from college experiences. Even though later in life ´opposites attract´ may not work too much, at this early stage of life, it may work very well. At least when you are looking to experience life in its diversity and complexity. Those relationships are not necessarily supposed to last therefore, why not?

One may get a bit nostalgic for the college years while reading this book, but it may also make you curious about how young people from different countries and generations. It is really worth giving it a try.

Rating: 3.5 stars

Disclaimer: Book offered as part of the book tour but the opinions are, as usual, my own


  1. Thank you for the review and heading back to college with me ;)

    1. Thank you for your kind words! Looking forward to read more from you soon!
