Friday, November 3, 2023

Random Things Tours: Disaster Dates and Lucky Escapes by Tess Smith-Roberts


Every disaster date is one step forward to your best friend, match or the love of your life. It cannot happen overnight and for many of us, it takes way too long. But despite the high rate of disappointment, one can learn a lot about human nature and love, especially through the bad dates. Remember: No expectations, no disappointment!

The author of Disaster Dates&Lucky Escapes, London-based illustrator Tess Smith-Roberts (her website is really funny) had a lot of online dating disappointments, and some weird disaster dates (speed dating in a laundromate was one of the funniest), ghosting and other traumatic interactions. However, besides the curse, those experiences were a blessing as she wrote and illustrated a funny book.

No matter how successful you´ve ever been on (online) dating, there is always something to learn about and to make fun of. I´ve read it in one sitting and kept laughing about it for one more extra hour. If you are looking for a busy dating weekend, use this book as a hilarious guide into an activity that you have to learn to enjoy. 

Rating: 4.5 stars

Disclaimer: Book offered as part of the book tour but the opinions are, as usual, my own

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