Monday, September 30, 2024

Random Things Tours: Unraveling by Preethi Nair

What ifs are always delusionals to think about in historical terms, but what about second chances? What about being offered the chance of a new start, from the moment and with the person that we had to abandon at a certain point in time?

Unravelling by Preethi Nair is exploring exactly this topic. Bhanu, the main hero of the story, looks like has a rewarding successful life and marriage. But on the occasion of the fortieth wedding anniversary, someone from her past suddenly returns. And her life may change for ever, perhaps by connecting again to a past that once was not supposed to happen.

There are so many fundamental questions raised in this book, deeply troubling nevertheless so important for our existential truth. How many times in life we denied the chance of a new beginning, we refused to take the huge risk of cutting the ties with the appearances, ending the illusion of happiness to search for the real life, the one we are able to chose for. Decisions are not easy and may be scary, but following Bhanu´s unravelling journey, it may open up the gates to authenticity, to the real self she repressed for so many wrong reasons.

Well written, covering so many emotional nuances, Unravelling is a deep reflection on relationships and life, of the juggling between lies and truth that we sometimes ignore on purpose. As usual, literature may help you build a life of truth.

Rating: 4 stars

Disclaimer: Book offered as part of the book tour but the opinions are, as usual, my own

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