Wednesday, July 14, 2021

A Woman on Her Own Terms

There is always something wrong when political regimes are based on religious inspirations. No matter the religion, an involvement of religious people - predominantly men - in the everyday management of politics will end up in oppression and disrespect of basic human needs and rights. Obviously, those men of faith consider themselves inspired by their imagined relationship with the holy powers and request obedience based on this projection that rather has its place in a psychiatric hospital than on the hallways of a government. 

I respect everyone´s religion until it is turned into a weapon of everyday oppression.

Abnousse Shalmani´s father decided to leave Iran for offering to his rebelious daughter freedom from a religious practice she rejected in the most frontal way, by showing to the guardians of morality the part of her body that it is always hidden. I can imagine the shock of the chadori women upon being faced with such a radical act of protest. But repeated, such an act can only lead to serious attacks against individual freedoms.

Once arrived in France, until 13, she wanted to be both Emile Zola (that she thought it was, in fact, a woman) and Madonna. Her love for France and its Enlightenment remained, as she will never forget to disavow the inadequacies of the religious police she had a close look from a very early and formative age. 

Khomeiny, Sade et moi is partly a memoir, partly an open pledge for respect of women´s rights and dignity. Although France is far from being a good example of tolerance and even secularism can become suffocating towards individual endeavours and diverse identities, it offered to people like Shalmani and her family a safe place. Especially today, on Bastille Day, it´s a good reminder of France´s role in offering a safe heaven to freedom thirsty from all over the world. 

Altough I´ve found the book repetitive sometimes, with the same topic said in different ways but without bringing anything new to the narrative, I´ve appreciated the open mind and the joyful style, the searches of a woman to define herself on her own terms. 

Rating: 3 stars

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