Monday, October 14, 2024

Random Things Tours: The Blue Hour by Paula Hawkins


Paula Hawkins seems to be an author that once one starts discovering, it is very hard to give up on. From her first book I got to read until her latest and fourth novel, The Blue Hour, there are so many interesting turns her written took.

Compared to her other books, The Blue Hour is not only a very enigmatic psychological thriller, but it equally shed light into human psyche in a very introspective deep way. Jealously, obsession with fame, loneliness there are such strong feelings reflected through the thoughts and actions of the characters. As in a Greek tragedy, such an overflow of strong emotions may not promise any good.

As people start talking that one work of the late Vanessa Chapman may include a human bone, there are more and more curious people that would love to find out more about it. The only person that may be knowledgeable in this respect is her former friend and companion Grace who is the only resident of a Scottish island, that can be reached in more than ten hours from the mainland. 

The crime track is balanced by the psychological introspection which also allows other messages to slide, like for instance the discussion about power and art and the extent of which may play a role in some facts maybe committed by some of the characters.

I personally appreciated the pace of the story, allowing to unfold both details about the characters and shocking episodes. It kept me very involved from the first until the last page, fully enjoying both the revelations and psychological introspection.

I dare to say that The Blue Hour is one of Hawkins´ best to date, but let´s wait a bit more until her next one.

Rating: 5 stars

Disclaimer: Book offered as part of the book tour but the opinions are, as usual, my own


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