Monday, October 7, 2024

Random Things Tours: Good Fortune by CK Chau

There are many modern versions of Pride&Prejudice by Jane Austen, and most probably there will continue to be. Some are successful, some are just for the sake of the comparison and the fame by association with a centuries-old story of love and deceit. Personally, I am not a huge fan of the book, but I acknowledge the universal message. 

Hence, I was not surprised to read one of its newest literary renditions, in the story shared in Good Fortune, the debut novel of Chinese-American writer C.K.Chau. Published last year, the book was few months ago released in paperback.

The story is retold into the money language of NY Chinese communities. Elizabeth, a complex and largely relatable character is getting entangled with Darcy Wong, a charismatic investor, apparently decide to make a good use of his Hong Kong money. 

The main narrative follows the Jane Austen format - which make it at times pretty predictable - while creating at the same time a very complex framing of cultural and class clash, cultural identity and family tree-related responsibilities. By far, the ways in which the long cast of characters is integrating the complex web of obligations, responsibilities and desire for adventure, was the most interesting part of the story.

Good Fortune is a recommended read if you are interested in contemporary stories with a strong identity layer. With a smart spin, it convinced even the least sympathizers of Jane Austen novels to keep reading until the end, enjoying both the humour and the serious social and identity questions.

Rating: 3.5 stars

Disclaimer: Book offered as part of the book tour but the opinions are, as usual, my own

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