Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Rachel´s Random Resources: Gerard Philey´s Euro-Diary by Brendan James

Some believe the superstition that what you are doing in the first day of the year will describe the rest of the year. From his rented room in the West Midlands , Gerard Philey is dreaming about a different life. Will it be 1995 his year of discoveries?

As at the time, the UK was a proud EU member, it was much easier to dream about spending a year abroad, getting to know what life in Europe really means. Gerard Philey´s Euro-Diary: Quest for a Life by Brendan James is a detailed diary of those experiences, which succeed in a spectacular, oftenly hilarious manner.

During his ´study-leave´ that started in Brussels, in ended up being the manager of a sex shop, country hopping, spending weekends in Germany or Prague. One may say that´s the feeling of living in Europe that makes possible to get in touch with so many people from all over the world, within a couple of hours, by train or by car. 

The story is humorous, hilarious and suits very well the ambiance of the cities it is located. It has a fast and entertaining pace and therefore, the end may take you by surprise, even though it takes place exactly at the end of European adventures. Only that you may want to continue at least for another year.

If you are looking for an easy and entertaining read this weekend or for the rest of your summer holidays, this book is a good recommendation. 

Rating: 3.5 stars

Disclaimer: Book offered as part of the book tour but the opinions are, as usual, my own  

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