Thursday, August 4, 2022

Random Things Tours: Sherpa by Ankit Babu Adhikari and Pradeep Bashyal

´On the way to the summit, sherpas are the climbers´ guardians, in charge of time and space´.

Mountain Everest is an industry worth many millions of dollars and sherpa community plays an important role not only from the social and economic point of view, but as witnesses and factors of the continous changes. In Sherpa, writer and researcher Ankit Babu Adhikari and the Katmandu-based BBC correspondent Pradeep Bashyal are documenting the background and life stories surrounding the mountain based on historical information and interviews.

Although the book is relatively short, it offers an unique glimpse into the activities, histories, heroes and victims of the Everest. It maps various trekking peaks and invites the reader to have a look at the everyday (busy) life at the Everest Base Camp, the tent-city standing on a glacier. Even among people who are fascinated about mountaineering, such information are rare gems and rarely understood in the right perspective - including by covering the anthropological takes on sherpa community, a Himalayan ethnic group of Nepal counting around 150,000, many involved in the ´Everest business´ from more than a generation.

Sherpa. Stories from Life and Death from the Forgotten Guardians of Everest is a book of interest for both anthropologists and mountain lovers, as well as anyone curious to read a well-written book about a fascinating mountain and its complex history.

Rating: 4.5 stars

Disclaimer: Book offered as part of the book tour, but the opinions are, as usual, my own


  1. Thanks for the blog tour support x

    1. Thank you for offering me the opportunity to read and report about sherpa community!
