Saturday, May 25, 2024

Rachel´s Random Resources: The Affair by Claire Allan

Psychological thrillers featuring everyday life interactions and situations are my weakness lately. Also, if there are some secrets hidden in plain sight, you will got me thrilled too.

The Affair by Claire Allan, published by Boldwood Books really challenged my intuition, especially because it features very relatable characters and situations. 

Two days after surviving a very heartbreaking betrayal, Christina is decided to restart her life and what else can help her than joining an online group organised by a famous influencer, Sorcha. Through various exercises and thematic reading, the aim is to help the members improve their social skills and reach their love and friendship goals. Slowly, the two of them are getting closer, but it seems that Christina has at least one secret to hide. Once she start receiving threats, she is becoming anxious and is afraid her life may be destroyed again. 

The touch of mystery and suspense is present in the book from the very beginning, but it grows in a crescendo towards the end. As we are swimming deep in the waters of mystery, it is hard to think about anything else but the next steps of the story. What has Christina to hide and how would she survive the eventual shock of the revelation?

I´ve found both main female characters - Christina and Sorcha - very motivated and strong as they are fighting hard to build up a new life, beyond all the previous relationship failures. They are a good story match and do give a special dynamics to the crime story.

The Affair is a good recommendation for psychological thriller readers, interested in discovering strong characters and a really suspenseful story.

Rating: 4 stars

Disclaimer: Book offered as part of the book tour but the opinions are, as usual, my own

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