Friday, May 17, 2024

Random Things Tours: The F**k It! List by Melanie Cantor


We still live in a world where women, including the highly educated, successful ones, should conform to society norms and expectations that were set for them, sometimes against them, but rarely by them. As women, we may be born with a to-do-list that strolls to age milestones. But what about if there is a reverse of it?

The F**k it! List by Melanie Cantor, a PR professional working as a celebrity talent agent, is an inspiration for everyone - every woman - that needs encouragement and support to just say it loudly to The List. Any List. 

A successful interior designer, full of life and optimistic, Daisy is having a party to celebrate her 40th anniversary. A birthday party that ends up in an apparent disaster. Her beloved successful boyfriend is caught with someone else and shortly after Daisy is returning back to her childhood home. Her childhood bad. 40, not married, without a property on her name, no children. But she is not alone, and with the help of a trustworthy network of friends and there is also someone who may catch her broken heart when she was expecting less.

This book is for anyone going through a heartbreak but also for any woman who needed at least once in life to face the social pressure and discover the resources and strength laying ahead for getting over the bad times. In the end, it may be all for good.

I really appreciated how Cantor is treating the story in a very straigthforward way, brave and less melodramatic. The topics she approaches are important and difficult, and being storified in a romantic setting doesn´t make them less relevant for our everyday life.

A book that will make you think and hopefully better understand what really matters in life. F**k it! and start your life again and again. 

Rating: 4 stars

Disclaimer: Book offered as part of the book tour but the opinions are, as usual, my own

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