Thursday, May 23, 2024

Random Things Tours: The Estate by Denzil Meyrick

Rich families forced to share their revenues among family members, with or without a will, always offer inspiration for crime novels. It is a fascinating topic for anyone reading yellow media about big scandals created around inheritance of the rich and famous therefore, a crime novel on this topic sounds always very interesting for me. 

Add to this the chance of discovering a new crime author, Denzil Meyrick, and you have the perfect motivation for spending wisely some good reading hours in the company of The Estate.

The Pallanders do have a perfect family and business life. But when Sebastian Pallander dies, and then his son is killed in unclear circumstances, the picture perfect image is turned into shatters. DI Cara Salt and DS Abernethy Blackstock are trying to figure out who the killer is and what are the main motivations before another corpse it´s found.

One of the things that I did not expect to encounter during such a complex crime investigation was the acute sense of humour. Definitely, the world of rich do inspire often such situations, but in this case, it really helps to deter too much drama and tension. Greedy people always generate ridiculous situations.

The action is well paced, allowing enough details to explain various situations, circumstances and characters while keeping the reader alert. Watching the Pallanders looks like one of the many realities shows when you are offered some insights into a world that seems too far from the problems of everyday life. In reality though, we are all humans, no matter how fancy estates we own or not.

I really enjoyed - with some hard laughing as well - reading The Estate and would definitely be curious to read more about Meyrick. Hope that his other books are at least as entertaining and with the same smart psychological, and sometimes sociological too, insights.

Rating: 4.5 stars

Disclaimer: Book offered as part of the book tour but the opinions are, as usual, my own

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