Wednesday, October 2, 2019

NaNoWriMo is coming. And this time I am in! Again!

In one month, NaNoWriMo, an online challenge for writers to finish a 50,000-word novel within 30 days, is on. I've been a successful participant a couple of years back, but unfortunatelly, for a couple of more or less excusable reasons, I've give up. I not even know what happened with the text of my novel I've written during that month. 
However, during all those years, my writing went sometimes well, sometimes at all. Although I do not suffer of writer's block - as a big part of my revenue is provided by my writing, I simply cannot afford such a luxury - I often notice how I am getting lost in small - blogging projects - instead of working on my big writing endeavours, such as my books. True is, in the last years, I've self- published three books on different topics, but I'm very far from reaching my potential. I have for over a year three books in various stages of elaboration. I am writing fast and enjoying it, and the research stage is also an enjoyable activity, but what I am sometimes lacking is that strong motivation of finishing them. Sometimes I am thinking the reason for the delay is that I am also a bit afraid to expose myself publicly, but it is not such a serious thought as I love clearly and strongly express my opinions - on almost everything
After so many second thoughts and the prospect of just another year of delays, I took a very brave decision. This year, I am back to NaNoWriMo and as I am writing, I also set up a new fresh profile on the website. As I want to dedicate October to finishing my non-fiction projects - hopefully will be able to finish at least two of them until the end of the month - and focus on November on a fiction book. The topic and the final outline are to be determined in the next weeks. Enough is enough. It is about time to assume my writing identity and invest my time and energies accordingly. When you know from the age of 16 - blame it on Virginia Wolf's essays - that all you want to do is writing and nothing else, all I have to do is to channel my energies and start writing those books and articles that are waiting for.
The countdown starts now and I can't wait to. Meanwhile, I have enough time to practice my writing and eventually, to win again the NaNoWriMo competition. 

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