Monday, June 24, 2024

Blog Tour: Bay of Thieves by Megan Davis


If one things about the South of France, particularly Côte D'Azur, thieves is the last word that may come to mind. Is as you think about Switzerland and you cannot think about anything but expensive cars and watches and walking on paved streets over secret bank vaults full of enough money to feed 3 or 4 lifetimes full of dreams. Dream on, if you are a naive person...

But if you are not, than you may enjoy Bay of Thieves by Megan Davis. Two smart and charming lawyers, Vanessa and Kate do have an easy to grasp job description: make the rich not only remain rich, but grab more and more money without being bothered. The more complex the task, the higher the reward, of course.

It is a world of high corruption and aggressive behavior, that may not spare anyone. Are the two women able to tolerate such situations and if yes, for how long? And as the crimes are getting more and more intense, both murder and financial corruption, they may be faced with a choice.

I am particularly interested in stories of corruption involving moral choices on the main characters, therefore this book suited me very well. The two characters - their motivations, challenges and moral choices - are by far the most interesting part of the story, and followed them with the same excitement I will dedicate to a thriller movie. It seems that the background and the actions are fit for them, to give them the chance to grow and develop both as humans and characters. They are very much relatable and one of my favorite achievements of this book.

Although this was my first encounter with Megan Davis, and was not sure what to expect - was definitely tempted by the smart description of the topic - my curiosity was rewarded and I will without a doubt include this author on my list of literary interests.

Rating: 4 stars

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