Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Random Things Tours: Terrible Humans by Patrick Alley


We are living in a world of terrible humans, but this is nothing new under the sun. This is the way of the world and it will always be. What can be different, from a generation or a century to another, is the committment of other humans, less terrible, to not allow evil to take over the remaining good part of the world.

Nowadays, journalists do play a very important role in exposing the terrible humans to the world. Terrible Humans by Patrick Alley co-founder of Global Witness, an initiative aimed at supporting transparency and sustainability across the world offers a couple of case studies featuring individuals dedicated to moral or financial destruction at any costs. Without forgetting however those who are stubbornly fighting to take them down.

The special cast of humans include mercenaries, oligarchs, thugs and mafiosi. They are many and bold hence the determination of journalists and investigators to take them down. No one is invincible and part of them being terrible is also the (des)illusion they are high above the law. 

I´ve found the reports interesting as information, although I was relatively familiar with some cases. What really interested me though was the hardwork of people trying to reveal their real face and risks to the society. 

If you feel that nothing can really make this world better, and you feel overwhelmed by the bad news about terrible humans, this book may restore the hope in a better future, because no bad deed may remain unpunished. It may also encourage journalists to keep doing their honest work, because their work really matters for the good rest of the world.

Rating: 4.5 stars

Disclaimer: Book offered as part of the book tour but the opinions are, as usual, my own

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