Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Random Things Tours: The Code of the Vavasors by Jonathan Pinnock

People who know me well are familiar with my passion for mathematics. Although my professional life and mathematics do not meet at all, except maybe when I need to prepare my long overdued tax returns, I am often spending my time delved in equations and mathematic riddles, a habit I acquired during my school years. Another passion of mine is, besides learning languages, reading. Reading about mathematics, nonfiction books, it´s happening sometimes. But a mathematical mystery? Hard to imagine...

Apparently, there is still a chance to fuel my passion and the super eventful and unexpected mathematical mystery written by Jonathan Pinnock rewarded largely my love for literature - particularly mystery - AND mathematics.

The Code of the Vavasors is the story of a curious couple - Tom and his ex, Dorothy - decided to crack a code that apparently was developed by two deceased twins, the Vavasors. A code hidden on chips embedded by two lamas who belonged to the twins. I can´t stop laughing every time I am reading this uneven combination of events and you should too. Their adventures will end up to a secret gathering of...surprise...mathematicians who seem to die mysteriously, maybe because cracking a code is a life-and-death kind of encounter?

Full of humour, yet realistically and mathematically researched, The Code of the Vavasors may be a bit challenging if you are not a big fan of codes and numbers, but it may make you suddenly feel in love with them. The human mind can create so many beautiful association, and the one between mathematics and life is definitely one of them.

Recommended to any lover of mathematics. Good news, it seems that Pinnock wrote more mathematics-inspired book so you may excuse me while I am having my well deserved dose of numbers. 

Rating: 4 stars

Disclaimer: Book offered as part of the book tour but the opinions are, as usual, my own

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