Monday, June 10, 2024

Rachel´s Random Resources Book Tour: The Love Hack by Sophie Ranald

It´s summer - in European terms, of course - and what else can suit better the upcoming holidays plan than a lovely book about love. I do have a sweet tooth for romance and no matter how idealistic and sugary some books may sound like, I will never refuse myself the pleasure of spending some good time in their company.

As I started to read The Love Hack by Sophie Ranald, I didn´t know exactly what to expect. It was my first time reading this author, therefore, there may always be some bookish risk involved. However, the book is well structured, entincing and with a cast of complex and sometimes complicated characters.

A columnist for a women´s publication, Lucy is working at an online agency. She loves her work and secretely her heart is longing for love too, But she burned herself once and spending her scarce free time on her own may safe her heart. But once the charming Ross is becoming her co-worker, her heart doesn´t want to hear about survival and it tempted to try again. Should she stay or should she go - or run? Maybe there are some AI-driven solutions to help her.

It was my first time when I encountered AI references in a novel and it makes a lot of sense, because Artificial Intelligence is playing such a big part in our lives nowadays. I personally liked Lucy, as she is a full of life and humour kind of person, and her character largely corresponds to her age, time and assigned professional background.

I also liked how the author considered both the characters and plot development which makes the story relatable and enjoyable. Either if you are looking for some positive love story inspiration or you just love romantic stories, The Love Hack is a recommended read. 

Rating: 3.5 stars

Disclaimer: Book offered as part of the book tour but the opinions are, as usual, my own

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