Monday, December 25, 2017

Pairing Cocktails with Horror Movies

The end of the year vacations is the perfect time for killing some time while watching movies you didn't have the mood or the time to see during the last 12 months. If you are considering some classical horror movies for some unforgettable scary evenings, you can pair (some of) them with some equally horrendous cocktails. 
Jon and Marc Chaiet made an interesting collection of 55 recipes that are there to scare you and your guests or family members. The combinations are pretty eclectic and for those beginners in the world of cocktails, a long explanatory list of the various alcoholic drinks used is offered at the very beginning of the book.
In most cases, you may need lots of other ingredients, for creating staple drinks matching complicated heavy psychological movies like the Silence of the Lambs, The Twilight Zone or The Exorcist, to mention only few of the movies that I've personally watched, besides many others I don't have the slightest idea what are about. No specific detail is spared in order to create your horror cocktail, such as carving watermellons into skulls, while watching Dead Alive, for instance. Actually, after you arived at the end of the movies' list you can keep preparing some of the cocktails for other movies too, as some of them are too tempting to taste them only during a specific occasion. 
In most cases, the preparation time is within minutes, therefore one can eventually put the movie on pause shortly while preparing fresh new shots. 
My only problem was the visual choice - both for the cover and the interior illustrations. I can understand that a specific reference to the 1980s and 1990s - the period of time of the movies matched - should be done, but I bet there were smater choices than those kitsch ones selected.

Rating: 4 stars
Disclaimer: Book offered by the publisher in exchange for an honest review

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